In this article you will find useful information on how to make a page or post to expire on a specific date and time. This is very useful for limited time promotion campaigns or events.

1. Login to your dasboard and navigate to the page or the post you want to deactivate after a period of time.

2. Open this page or post, and look for the expiration meny on the right side of your scree (usually you might need to scroll a bit down).

3. Check the activate expiration checkbox and change the date and time into your desired values.

4. On the “How to expire” field, just choose what will happen with this page or post, after it expires. If you want to keep it for future use maybe you can change the status to draft. If you are not going to use it again you can delete it or move it to the trash folder.

5. Update the page


That’s it! The page will expire by itself the date and time you chose!