In this article we will explain how to add or change a link to another page.

1. Add the link to a Page

Select the page in which you would want to add or change the link. On the page, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the desired text element that needs to have a link to another page.
  2. Select the specific text that needs to be linked to the other page.
  3. Then click on the “Insert/edit link” button.

  4. A new window will appear.
  5. Click on Edit and Add the previously copied link 
  6. Then click on the wheel icon “Link Options
  7. Tick the box “Open link in a new tab”, if you want the new page to be opened in another tab. Then click on “Update
  8. The CMS will take you back to the page
  9. To verify that the new link is added, click on “Preview Changes” and check if the link is now directing to the other page
  10. After reviewing that the page is properly linked, save the page with Update.