The purpose of creating a location is to display a marker pin / icon on the google map. You are free to create unlimited marker locations and later assign them to the map.

How to create a Location

1. First of all navigate to our WP MAPS PRO > Add Location plugin menu.
2. Location Information form will appear. You will need to enter some mandatory and some optional information in the form.

Image Placeholder

  • Location Title: Enter the title of your new location.
  • Location Address: This is a google auto-suggest enabled text box which helps you to enter/choose any google recognised address where actually you want the marker icon to appear. Type few characters of address and then choose the place from the google auto-suggest list. The marker icon will be displayed on exactly this place on the map.
  • Latitude and Longitude: Latitude & longitude will be automatically calculated when you choose a location address from above step but you can change them if you need.
  • City: City will be also automatically calculated when you assign Location Address in step two, but you can change them.
  • Country & Postal Code: Country and Postal Code will be also automatically calculated when you assign a Location Address in step two but you can change them.
  • Apply Marker Category: In this section, you will see a list of Marker Categories that you created in previous tutorial. Please assign a marker category to the current location you are creating. This will decide which marker icon will appear on the current location. So, assign a marker category to the current location you’re creating.
3. Now scroll down a bit and click on the Save Location button.

You will see a message that you have successfully created the location.

Now you can repeat the above steps for as much as locations / markers you want to add to your map. Once you are done with creating all the locations for your map, now the final step is to assign the created locations to the map.

For that please click on Create A Map tutorial and follow along.