This article will explain you how to use the Blog module created by OHM – how to add new offers or update current ones. 

1. Create New Blog Post

  • Navigate to the back-end of the website and click on ‘posts’. 
  • Now you can create a new post, either by clicking on ‘add new’ or by clicking on an existing post and duplicating this.
  • Click on Quick Edit to edit the title as well as the slug. Here you can also fill in the category of the posts and change the status of the posts (published/concept).

2. Edit post

  • Click on ‘edit’ to start adding / changing content of the blog posts.

Note: by clicking with our mouse in between the words the following menu will open to edit content:

Note: by clicking on the white space, a + sign will appear and by clicking on this, the following menu will open to add content:

3. Yoast SEO

When you scroll down, you will the Yoast Plugin underneath the content of the blog post. Here you can add the meta description, always make sure that the color bar has turned green.

4. Translations

After you filled in the whole blog post, you can publish it on the top right of the page. After that, if you wish to upload translations as well, you can do this on the overview blog posts page in the back-end of the website.