In this article, we explain the use of Download Monitor. This tool is not used for all websites. Check with our team members whether this plugin is installed for your website, and if not, we can install it for you.

1. Updating Files in Download Monitor

1.1 Video Tutorial

1.2 Step-by-step

  1. Navigate to Download Monitor (Descargas) in your backend and click on Todas las descargas (All downloads). In the following screenshots shown via the ‘Descargas’-item in the WordPress menu:
  2. In the overview then shown in your screen, navigate to the item you want to replace or update and press Edit underneath the title:
  3. In the screen that then opens, scroll a bit down to the spot where you see the file name, below the button ‘Añadir archivo‘, that starts with #[number] – Versión … and click on it.
  4. You can now either upload a new file (Subir archivo) or go through the Media Library to find the file you have already uploaded:
  5. Select the file in the Media Library, or upload it via Upload files, and then press the button in the right bottom ‘Introduce la dirección URL del archivo‘ to save it:
  6. Make sure to delete the ‘old’ link that you do not need anymore
  7. Then press Update on the right side to save your changes.

2. Linking to a file in Download Monitor

Whenever a file is uploaded to Download Monitor, you will need the link of this file. To find this, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the specific file in Download Monitor.
  2. Navigate to the right side to ‘Información de la descarga’
  3. Copy the link in the second field URL
  4. Paste this link in the button on the page where you want to use it!