In this article you will find basics & tips on how to optimise your website in the best way for search engines such as Google This is called SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). This will be specially useful if you add new pages to your website and want to make sure they appear high on Google Search. 

Primary Keywords/Topic

A primary keyword (or “target keyword”) is a keyword that best represents the topic of a page. 

And every page on your site should target one primary keyword. (If you want it to rank on Google.) 

Where you use your primary keyword also matters. It helps optimise the page. 

So, if possible, add your target keyword to elements like:

  • The title tag
  • The main headers (especially the H1)
  • The introduction 
  • The page’s URL
Instead of a primary keyword, you can choose a primary topic. As nowadays Google can recognise synonyms, it is best practice to not stuff the page with the same keyword over and over again, but use synonyms as well. This also makes sure that the page is easy to read, another factor of SEO. An added bonus is that the page might even rank for different keywords within the same specific topic.

We would advise - if you want to rank for a non branded keyword - to create a designated page solely for that purpose. This page is not included in the menu, as it only serves as an entrance to your website through search engines. For the main pages of your website (homepage/rooms/restaurant etc.) we would advise to clearly mention the name of the hotel in the meta data, so that those pages rank well for branded searches.

Meta & Title descriptions (update with YOAST plugin)

For every page, you should fill in the meta title and description.

Title tags are clickable headlines that appear in SERPs (search engine results pages).

They signal to Google what your page is about. And they’re fundamental from an SEO perspective. 

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Title tags are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result. And why it’s relevant to their query. 

It’s often the primary piece of information searchers use to decide which result to click on. It is important to use compelling titles for your webpages. 

Generally, it’s best to keep title tags between 50 to 60 characters. This way, words won’t get cut off on desktop or mobile SERPs.

Here are some other title tag best practices to keep in mind:

  • Include your target keyword
  • Match search intent
  • Avoid duplicate title tags
  • Keep them descriptive but concise

A meta description is a meta tag used to describe the content of a page. It is often displayed below the title and URL of your page in the SERP. 

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Meta descriptions should generally inform and interest users with a short, relevant summary of what the page is about. 

They’re like a pitch that convinces a searcher that the page is exactly what they’re looking for. Google typically truncates meta descriptions on desktop at 155 to 160 characters.

Here are a few meta description best practices to follow:

  • Write a unique meta description for every page
  • Use action-oriented copy
  • Include your primary keyword
  • Match search intent
  • Use CTA

Note: Meta descriptions are not a direct SEO ranking factor. But having well-written, optimised meta descriptions can benefit your SEO efforts in other ways.

The best practice would be to stay under the maximum amount of characters for both Title and Meta descriptions as shown in the Yoast plugin. Read more about the SEO Yoast plugin and tips & tricks, in this article.

Image Optimisation 

The importance of images when creating content is sometimes neglected. If you optimise them well, you can leverage image search and attract more visitors through it. There are a few best practices that you need to follow here:

• Add suitable titles to your images, and use targeted keywords (this can be done via Media Library on your CMS - please see the image below)

• Use alt text to describe your images. Alt text (short for alternative text) is text included in HTML code to describe an image on a webpage. Keep it under 125 characters, include one main keyword for context, don’t include “image of” or “picture of”.

• Use high-resolution images, but be mindful of image size (Always make sure the images are min. 2000px on the longest side for the most optimal quality on your website, but max. 1mb size)

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Use of internal & external links

The more quality links that point towards your website, the more important you are deemed by Google. Therefore, building links is an integral part of SEO. A quality link comes from a website that is authoritative and trustworthy. This could be a big online magazine, a nationally or internationally known newspaper, or a tourism board website. Make sure the link goes to the relevant page on your website (not necessarily the homepage) and keep on building links regularly. Old links lose their value over time.

Internal links between pages on your website contribute to improving your search engine rankings. They make it easier for search engines to assess the information hierarchy of your site and see how you facilitate your visitors' access to information. 

Make sure you avoid linking errors as that can have a big impact on your SEO. You can read this article about adding links. 

Optimize URLs

The way you construct your URLs matters when it comes to SEO. A well-structured URL facilitates information navigation and briefs search engines about the contents of the respective page.

For example, if you have a Wedding venue, you would like your URL to be:

This can be adjusted on your CMS -> Pages -> Quick Edit 

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Further Optimize your Website for Google