When optimizing your website, website speed is definitely one of the elements you should take into account. Site speed is used by Google's algorithm to rank pages.

1. Tips to Optimise Speed

1.1 Cut Down on Large Images

Even if optimized, images are still relatively heavy elements of the website. Therefore, consider cutting down some and generally avoid using too many. Videos even have much more impact on pagespeed.

1.2 Cut Down on Scripts

A lot of scripts can also slow down your pages. Eliminate from your website any scripts that are currently inactive  (e.g. Hotjar, or third party tools such as notifications, chat tool, marketing pixels etc).

In order to keep track of your website performance, you might be using Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager. These are essential tools that monitor and increase your website performance but they affect the page speed scores.

2. Results of online Page Speed tests

Online you can find several free tools to test the speed of a page and provide reports on how that page may be improved. One of the most popular tools is PageSpeed Insights from Google.

PageSpeed reports will suggest potential improvements to speed up your website. However, keep in mind that these are guidelines for developers and some of these fixes actually allow to save only a few bytes. In the example below you see a saving of 6.7kb, which is just a minor fraction of the size of an image (usually between 50kb-300kb)

Another example is “leverage browser caching”. Usually this is caused by external scripts from Google, Facebook etc.

3. Hosting

We take several measures to increase page speed for the websites we host. Our hosting partner is specialised in WordPress websites, providing lightning fast hosting, heavy caching and a CDN to increase page speed all over the world.