In this article we will explain you how to import a template from the Elementor library into your website. You can either create this template yourself, or ask OHM to create it for you, so you can insert it into all your desired websites (that have the same styling).
- Once in Elementor, you will
solely see a header and
footer. Now we want to insert
the page template you have
just exported from the other
website. To do so, open
the Templates
- Then navigate
to My
Templates and
press the upload-icon:
- The following popup appears:
- If your downloaded file (the
exported page) is still in the
bottom bar, you can drag ‘n
drop this to the field.
Otherwise, use
the Select
File-button to upload
the exported template.
- Your imported file will appear
at the bottom of the list of
Templates. Press Insert behind
the template-name, to insert
your page template:
- You can now save the